Translators Associations Africa

Africa: Just a few known translators associations

Translators Associations AfricaAfrica is the world's second-largest and second-most-populous continent, with over one billion people. It is not rare for individuals in this continent to fluently speak not only multiple African languages, but one or more European ones as well. Despite this fact, Africa has only a few known translators associations.

There are at least 6 translators associations in Africa, namely:

2 Egyptian translators associations

1 Ethiopian translators association 

1 Moroccan translators association

1 Nigerian translators association

1 South African translators association

If you want to know more about translators associations from other world's regions, here's a hint. Lexis' information is divided in seven regions. Here are the other six:

North America's translators associations | Latin America's translators associations |  Asia Pacific's translators associations | Eurasia's translators associations | Europe's translators associations | Global translators associations

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