Translators Associations Asia-Pacific
Asia-Pacific: Around 20 translators associations in or near the Western Pacific Ocean
This region varies in size depending on context, but it typically includes at least much of East Asia, Southeast Asia, and Oceania. It is difficult to point out exactly the number of inhabitants in such an imprecise area, but according to the UN’s Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, the region covers “two-thirds of humanity” – the world population exceeded 7 billion on March 12, 2012.
There are at least 19 translators associations in Asia-Pacific, namely:
1 regional translators association
4 Australian translators associations
1 Indonesian translators association
3 Japanese translators associations
2 Malaysian translators associations
1 New Zealander translators association
3 Chinese translators associations
2 South Korean translators associations
1 Taiwanese translators association
If you want to know more about translators associations from other world's regions, here's a hint. Lexis' information is divided in seven regions. Here are the other six:
Africa's translators associations | North America's translators associations | Latin America's translators associations | Eurasia's translators associations | Europe's translators associations | Global translators associations
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