Translators Associations Eurasia: SST

Sworn translators of Lebanon

Translators Associations Eurasia: SSTThe Central Syndicate of Sworn Translators (SST) was born in the year 2000, in Beirut, Lebanon.

The Lebanese translators association is composed of “affiliated individuals”, professionals who work in translation and “satisfy the conditions laid down in the Code of Labour” and respect the degree that regulates syndicates and the bylaws thereof.

The SST has put together a list of goals. One of their most important objectives to protect, consolidate, expand and uplift the standards of the profession, as well as to defend the interest of all professionals, at the same time as it seeks its advancement and development in the “economic, social and cultural aspects”.

Moreover, the founders of Lebanon’s translation association aim to preserve the interests of all affiliated members, to defend their rights but also to provide them with means to improve their professional, financial, cultural, health-wise and social situations, always bearing in mind the laws and regulations that have been established.

From another perspective, the Lebanese syndicate wishes to establish cooperative bonds, not only professionally, but also at sports and culture, with social projects and a “mutuality fund” for its associates.

The leaders of the SST want to consolidate the bonds of professional cooperation and mutual understanding among the syndicate members as well as” to exert “serious efforts to solve any dispute that may arise among them or with a third party by peaceful means and negotiations as stipulated in the laws in current effect”.

It is predicted, in its constitution, that the SST provides its members with financial and professional assistance, “within the scope of its available resources”.

Another of the Lebanese syndicate’s objectives is to organise “economic, social and cultural conferences, symposiums and seminars related to the profession”.

The SST is strictly forbidden from getting involved in politics and participating in political demonstrations or meetings. “Moreover, it is prohibited for the members to discuss any factional, confessional or political issue in any meeting held” by the syndicate.
Also, individuals practising other professions are not allowed to become members of the SST. “All its members ought to practice one profession or similar professions and to be registered on the Roster of Sworn Experts before courts - translation branch.”

Keep in mind that Lebanon has two official languages: Arabic and French. Arabic is spoken by almost 4 million people in the country. French has around 17,000 speakers in Lebanon.

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