Translators Associations Europe: UNETICA

Bringing together the translators and interpreters of the French appeal courts

Translators Associations Europe: UNETICAThe National Union of Expert Translators and Interpreters of the Courts of Appeal (Union Nationale des Experts Traducteurs – Interprètes près les Cours d'Appel or UNETICA) is a French association, based in the ciy of Toulouse, which aims to bring together expert translators and interpreters of the appeal courts both in the country's metropolis and departments and overseas.

Founded in 1986, UNETICA represents and defends these professionals interests with the judicial authorities both at national and local levels and works to improve their operating conditions, thus contributing to better functioning of justice and a greater respect for the rights of the defendant.

UNETICA wants to develop and strengthen mutual support and fellowship among its members and ensure cooperation with regulators in the best interest of its members.

Protecting these professionals against theft, ensuring changes in taxes and legal fees in criminal and civil matters and promoting meetings and training seminars are other objectives.


This translators association facilitates meetings and knoledge exchange. How? By organizing conferences and seminars for one.

UNETICA also offers these specialized translators and interpreters a set of information services, training and assistance.

UNETICA is a member of the International Federation of Translators and its committee of legal translation and interpretation to the courts and also the European Legal Interpreters and Translators Association.

This organization also helps out those who are on the other side of the business, meaning if you're a client looking for a certain professional profile, you can search for translators and interpreters working wiht courts of appeal on UNETICA's website.

To know more about this French translation association, contact UNETICA using the email address

Keep in mind that, in total, French is spoken by 129 million people.

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Read other news about translators associations from Europe.

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