Translators Associations Europe: ASSOINTERPRETI

Defending Italian conference interpreters

Translators Associations Europe: ASSOINTERPRETIThe Italian Association of Conference Interpreters (ASSOINTERPRETI) was founded in 1974 and brings together practicing professional simultaneous and consecutive interpreters from all over Italy.

Its members are known for the excellence of their work for clients whose business requires foreign language communication in Italy or elsewhere.

To become a member of this translators association based in Milan one has to have a high-quality general education and specialist training and be committed to a code of good practice.

These are all fundamental prerequisites for membership, along with an excellent track record in a variety of sectors: medicine, economics, finance, law, cultural events, data processing, industrial production technologies, etc.

ASSOINTERPRETI is a member of the Italian Terminology Association, the Coordination Free Professional Association (Coordinamento Libere Associazioni Professionali or CoLAP), and the National Association of Conference Industry.
To know more about this translators association, write to the following email:

Keep in mind that Italian is the official language in Italy, a country with around 60 million people.

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