Translators Associations Europe: VSenV

Giving birth to several other organizations for the past hundred years

Translators Associations Europe: VSenVThe Dutch Association of Writers and Translators (Vereniging van Schrijvers en Vertalers or VSenV) stands up for Dutch writers, from novelists and screen writers to poets and children’s authors, and literary translators. Its headquarters is in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

The origins of this translators association go back to 1905 when its predecessor, the Vereniging van Letterkundigen (VvL), was established. Because this was a somewhat restricted to the literary field association, VvL reconstituted itself in 1998 as VSenV.

It became then an umbrella organization covering three departments: the “old” VvL with working groups for translators, children’s authors, etc; the Network of Screenwriters (film, television, and new media); and the FreeLancers Association (freelance journalists and contributors to newspapers).

The VSenV serves both the individual and the collective interests of authors and translators. This translators association assists individual authors in matters of copyright, including bringing cases to court, if necessary. In the collective field the VSenV and its departments negotiate with their respective partners, from publishers to producers and government ministries, in some cases resulting in standard agreements.

After agreeing initial “guidelines” for literary books in 1961, authors and publishers entered into the first standard contracts for both writers and translators in 1973 – since then these were updated many times.

Later on, standard agreements followed for screen writers working in public broadcasting and for playwrights.

In the past hundred years several other organizations have been founded as a result of the work of this translators association. These include the Dutch Literary Fund, the Translators’ House and the Dutch Collecting Society LIRA.

This translation association is a member of the European Writers Congress, the European Council of Associations of Literary Translators, the International Board on Books for Young People and, through the Network of Screenwriters, the Federation of Scriptwriters in Europe.

Want to know more about this translators association? Write to the VSenV using the email address

Keep in mind that Dutch is the official language of the Netherlands, a country with around 16 million people.

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