Translators Associations Europe: ANITI
The former Italian syndicate of translators and interpreters
The Italian National Association of Translators and Interpreters (in Italian Associazione Nazionale Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti or ANITI) was founded in Milan in 1956, under the designation Italian National Syndicate of Translators and Interpreters (SNITI).
It is a non-profit professional association and one of the Associations of Professional Translators and Interpreters Italian. In 1978, this translators association, who had long defined its objectives, assumed the present name of ANITI.
Its aims are to promote the legal regulation of professional Italian translators and interpreters and to support the promotion of the professionalism of its members.
Clarifying the relationship between professional translators and translation agencies is another goal. ANITI also wants a fair and consistent regulation of the translators in the courts and the recognition of fair compensation.
Institutional activities
To achieve the goals described above, ANITI's proposal is to develop all the necessary institutional contacts with authorities, courts and professional associations.
This translators association is member of organizations such as COLAP (Coordination Free Professional Associations), the Council of Professions of the Lombardy Region and the UNI-CEN – a working group that has led to the drafting of the standard EN 15038 on translation services, in place since November 2006.
ANITI commits all its members to be professionals and asks them to engage in a continuing education program, suggesting to appropriate courses and sponsors the most deserving translators and interpreters.
Young people are welcome in its ranks and get to engage in an apprenticeship program.
Members are also entitled to legal counseling and information of any news relevant to the profession.
If you're considering becoming a member of ANITI's, this might also interest you: this translators association establishes contacts with language schools, colleges and schools of interpreting and stays in touch with members outside of the annual meetings of professional and recreational opportunities.
The annual payment differs from case to case: ordinary members pay 150 EUR, students and Trainees 75 EUR, supporters 100 EUR and supporting members 500 EUR or more.
Keep in mind that Italian is the official language in Italy, a country with around 60 million people.
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