Translators Associations Global: IATIS

Debating translation and intercultural communication

Translators Associations Global: IATISThe International Association for Translation & Intercultural Studies (IATIS) is a world-wide forum designed to enable scholars from different regional and disciplinary backgrounds to debate issues relating to translation and other forms of intercultural communication. It was established in 2004 and its secretariat is located in Seoul, South Korea.

The objectives of this translators association are IATIS aims to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, expertise and resources among scholars in various parts of the world; stimulate interaction among scholars in different geographical regions; and encourage scholars from different disciplinary backgrounds to explore areas of mutual concern.

To fulfill its aims, this translation association undertakes activities such as convening triennial conferences; organizing other meetings and workshops; promoting the publications of scholarly works; encouraging and coordinating research; exchanging information with other bodies and institutions; and raising funds to further these very goals.


This translators association welcomes any person or institution as long as they pay the dues.

The categories of membership are individual – Full, Student, and Group – and institutional. Honorary membership is offered by the Executive Council on a case by case basis.
Membership is renewable annually.

IATIS’s members gain access to the association’s Yearbook; have special discounts – on books published by various publishers rates, on all publications by IATIS and registration fees for
IATIS conferences –; get free access an average of 24 bulletins issued online each working day, 24,000 reports available in IATIS’s archives for research purposes, business information including calls for tender, and a multilingual, multinational selection of more than 300 job offers each day.

Members also receive the IATIS Bulletin, a newsletter sent electronically three times a year, and are included in this organization’s mailing list.

Group members are entitled to the same rights and advantages as individual members.

You'll find more information on the membership policy of this translation association on IATIS’s website.

If you still have queries prior to registering as a member, please contact the membership committee at

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