Translators Associations Global

Global: Translators associations that operate worldwide

Translators Associations GlobalIn its search, Lexis has found 18 global organizations, which does not mean that there are no others. Here are the ones we've spotted:

Translators without Borders – a translators association that supports non-governmental organizations

FIT – an international grouping of translators associations and other entities that stand-up for interpreters and terminologists interests.

GALA – a translators associations devoted to the fields of globalization and localization

Tlaxcala – a translators association with members from all the five continents

TREMEDICA – a translators association focused on medical translation for the Spanish speaking countries

EULITA – the European Legal Interpreters and Translators Association

IAPTI – an international interpreters and translators association based in Argentina

Translators for Peace – a translators association tthat's against war and tackles and broadens the debate on war

WASLI – a translators association committed to the development of the profession of sign language interpreting worldwide.

IMIA – a translators association committed to the advancement of professional medical interpreters

CEATL – an umbrella organization of national translators associations

CIUTI – is the oldest international translators association of university institutes related with translation and interpretation

IATIS – a world-wide translators association that enables scholars to debate issues relating to translation

TAALS – a translators association that represents language specialists working at the international level

TILP – a translators association dedicated to localization professionals

ATIDA – a translators association that gathers translators from and to Arabic

AITC – a translators association that defends professionals who work for international organizations or conferences

IAMT – a translators association that brings together those who share an interest in machine translation 

If you want to know more about translators associations from other world's regions, here's a hint. Lexis' information is divided in seven regions. Here are the other six:

Africa's translators associations | North America's translators associations | Latin America's translators associationsAsia-Pacific's translators associations | Eurasia's translators associationsEurope's translators associations

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