Translators Associations Global: TREMEDICA
What the doctor said
TREMEDICA is an international, non-profit association, founded in 2005, in Washington DC. It is the heir of MedTrad, a forum about medical translation for the Spanish speaking countries. Its main purpose is to continue a legacy of quality and professionalism left by the forum.
It is the support given by collaborators and sponsors that allows this translators association to offer products such as Panace@, its awarded magazine, but also permit the beginning of new projects for the benefit of the community formed by users and providers of translations concerning medicine and related sciences. An example is the publishing of the Directory of Members’ Professional Services.
TREMEDICA offers its associates some exclusive benefits, such as being included in the service guide or templates to create his / her own professional website using TREMEDICA’s logo and with free lodging for a year on the server of the translation association. Moreover, members benefit from special discounts when signing up for international conferences as well as when they buy some necessary products for the exercise of the profession.
For the above-mentioned benefits and other reasons, the association believes that joining them is “an insignia every specialised translator will want to wear and put on his / her CV as a note of distinction”.
Candidates should send the association their application form, professional CV, accompanied by a description of the activities developed in the field of medical translation, and the payment for the annual fees.
The association’s magazine, Panace@ has been internationally acknowledged, having been awarded the Medes Prize 2009, attributed by the Lilly Foundation. It has also been distinguished by the ESLETRA Association. For these reasons, leaders of TREMEDICA don’t hesitate to say it is undoubtedly their “most recognised product”.
The magazine was based upon the debating forum MedTrad and is TREMEDICA’s official journal. It publishes original contents about the different aspects of translation and medical terminology and related sciences, mostly in Spanish. However it is open to collaborations in other languages.
The original texts received by Panace@ are then sent to external readers who are experts in the subject. They evaluate the articles, and send them to the Board of Editors and to specialists of the Editorial Council, who will finally decide over the publication of the articles.
Panace@ is a biannual publication. The first number is published in June, the second, a monographic publication, is released in December.
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