Translators Associations Latin America: Peru

Peru: Translators associations in the home of the Nobel laureate Mario Vargas Llosa

Translators Associations Latin America: PeruLocated in western South America, Peru is a representative democratic republic divided into 25 regions and has an estimated population of 29.5 million people.

It was home to ancient cultures, like the Norte Chico civilization, one of the oldest in the world, and the Inca Empire, the largest state in Pre-Columbian America.

The country, conquered (the region, of course) by the Spanish Empire in the 16th century, is bordered on the north by Ecuador and Colombia, on the east by Brazil, on the southeast by Bolivia, on the south by Chile, and on the west by the Pacific Ocean.

Peru mixes several cultural traditions and that result in a wide diversity of expressions in fields such as art, cuisine, literature, and music. Modern Peruvian literature is recognized thanks to authors such as Nobel laureate Mario Vargas Llosa.

Lexis estimates there are at least 3 translators associations in Peru.

Founded in Lima, Peru, in 1992, ATPP is the Peruvian translators association that provides institutional support for the translating and interpreting professions.

CTP is a translators association that was founded in 1996 as an autonomous institution of public internal right, with the purpose of joining graduated professionals of translation and interpretation. It is a voluntary organization.

There is a third translators association that goes by the name of Academia Peruana de Traducción. This organization is a non-profit association created in the second half of 2008.

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Read other news about translators associations in Latin America.

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