Translators Associations North America: California (USA)

California: Translators Associations in the state of Diane Keaton and Steve Martin

translation associations north americaCalifornia, a state located on the West Coast of the United States, is by far the most populous U.S. state. It has eight of the nation’s most populated cities. Even though Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco are probably its best known metropolises, the actual capital of the state is Sacramento. Movie geeks might disagree and say Hollywood is the real capital. Other than its sunny beaches, the movie industry is undoubtedly the state’s greatest icon. California, nicknamed the Golden State, has a population of around 38 million people.

Lexis estimates there are at least 4 translators associations in the state of California.

One of the most important translation associations in the state is NCTA, the Northern California Translators Association. Another California translators association is the one that brings together court interpreters, CCIA. There is also the translators association that concerns professionals from Southern California, SCATIA, as well as the translation association that stands for workers compensation interpreters, CWCIA.

California is a state of the United States of America. There is more to know about local and national translators associations in the USA.

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