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Translators Associations News | 19-03-2025


Translating in the Peach State

: AAIT - Translating in the Peach State The Atlanta Association of Interpreters and Translators is a non-profit organisation from the state of Georgia, USA. »
North America: ATA

Be one of the speakers at ATA's annual conference

 North America: ATA - Be one of the speakers at ATA's annual conference American Translators Association is accepting suggestions to be presented at its 53rd annual conference, which will take place in San Diego, California, in October. »
Latin America: COTICH

The opportunity to know and exchange experiences with other professionals across the country

 Latin America: COTICH - The opportunity to know and exchange experiences with other professionals across the country The Chilean Association of Translators and Interpreters aims to protect the interests and regulate the practice of the translating profession, promote the advancement of its members, and contribute effectively to Chile’s economic, cultural and social development. »
Latin America: AATI

Argentine for Translators Association

 Latin America: AATI - Argentine for Translators Association The Argentine Association of Translators and Interpreters (AATI) was created in 1982. »
Africa: ATIEC

One of the most recent translators associations in the world is the Ecuadorian's

 Africa: ATIEC - One of the most recent translators associations in the world is the Ecuadorian's The Ecuadorian Association of Translators and Interpreters is a private non-profit institution and it is the first association of its type in Ecuador. It is one of the most recent translators associations in the world and the leading national organization. »

Africa: Just a few known translators associations

 Africa - Africa: Just a few known translators associations In Africa, there are translators associations in Egypt, Ethiopia, Morocco, Nigeria and South Africa. The lack of development in the chapter can, perhaps, be explained by the economical and social characterization of this continent. »
Latin America: ATPP

Standing up for professional translators in Peru

 Latin America: ATPP - Standing up for professional translators in Peru The Peruvian Association of Professional Translators is a private non-profit association with 20 years of experience that was formed to provide institutional support for the translating and interpreting professions. »
North America: AATIA

Translation in Texas

 North America: AATIA - Translation in Texas The Austin Area Translators & Interpreters Association has been standing for professionals in Texas since the 80s. »
Latin America: A.C. CONALTI

From the classroom to classy translations

 Latin America: A.C. CONALTI - From the classroom to classy translations The National College of Translation and Interpreting Graduates Civil Association is the oldest organisation of professional translators and interpreters in Venezuela. »
Africa: SATI

Building bridges in Africa

 Africa: SATI - Building bridges in Africa The South African Translators’ Institute has been serving the country and the continent for over 50 years. »
Latin America: ACTI

The historical consciousness of a Colombian translator

 Latin America: ACTI - The historical consciousness of a Colombian translator ACTI is a professional guild, non-profitable, founded on the 15th June 1998, by a multinational group of translators and interpreters. »
North America: ACCTI

Translating Canada

 North America: ACCTI - Translating Canada The Association of Canadian Corporations in Translation and Interpretation (ACCTI) was only founded in 2003 but it’s rapidly become a successful example. »
Africa: Legal Translators Association

In Morocco there's an association joining legal translators

 Africa: Legal Translators Association - In Morocco there's an association joining legal translators This translators association was created in October of 2002 because the translators that were certified to work in the legal area wanted to organize their specialization.
Africa: EGYTA

Translating in Cleopatra's homeland

 Africa: EGYTA - Translating in Cleopatra's homeland The Egyptian Translators Association (EGYTA) has been working for translators and interpreters since 2005. »
Acquisition of Language Services

The Translation Services Procurement Process

Within the procurement process for the acquisition of language services, the international community of language service providers Lexis Pro (www.lexis.pro) hereby list some of guidelines that should be considered not only in the analysis of the proposals submitted by the different language services providers (LSPs), but also in the weighing of the broader and perhaps comparative assumptions that should govern the selection and acquisition of translation services. »

Send us information about what you're doing

Lexis is happy to receive and publish news on events and other initiatives by your translators association. Please send us the press releases by your translation association to the email address editorial@lexis.pro. »
Partners: AP | Portugal

The mark of quality in language services

Partners: AP | Portugal - The mark of quality in language services AP | Portugal is a translation company and language services provider that specialises in the Portuguese language. »
Partners: AP | Portugal

Test your knowledge about the New Portuguese Language Spelling Agreement

Partners: AP | Portugal - Test your knowledge about the New Portuguese Language Spelling Agreement Portuguese Language Agency AP | Portugal conceived a test for Facebook on the New Spelling Agreement. In less than 10 minutes, check out what you know about the new rules. »
Partners: Wordbee

Wordbee: simplifying the translation process

Partners: Wordbee - Wordbee: simplifying the translation process Wordbee combines a set of several linguistic tools with the latest web technology available, in a unique way, in order to offer totally integrated project management solutions. »

Translation Associations

Find your translation association in our Directory of Translation Associations

UK | USA | France | Germany | Brazil | Colombia | Denmark | Egypt | Finland | Greece | Hungary »

Translators Association

Click to get a list of translation associations in your country.

Belgium | Austria | Argentina | Canada | Chile | China | Ireland | Mexico | Netherlands | Peru »

Translation Society

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Japan | China | Russia | Italy | Korea | Australia | South Africa | Saudi Arabia | Turkey | Norway | New Zealand | Portugal | Sweden | Switzerland »
Technology: Wordbee

Wordbee: Ask for a 30 day trial version, no strings attached

Technology: Wordbee - Wordbee: Ask for a 30 day trial version, no strings attached Ever thought it would be helpful to have greater control over your translation projects and higher efficiency in your work? Meet Wordbee, a software that received an award in 2011, at Cebit, Hannover's renowned international technology fair. »